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🍎⏰ Increase productivity using the Pomodoro technique

We'll cover what Pomodoros are, why they work, and how to do them with our new free timer.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time-management strategy that has helped millions boost their productivity.

This email will explain what a Pomodoro is, how to do them and share a new free timer you can use whenever you pull up a new browser tab.

What are Pomodoros?

Pomodoros were developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. Struggling to focus on his studies, Cirillo used the famous tomato-shaped kitchen timer ("pomodoro" means "tomato" in Italian) to break his work into manageable intervals.

The Pomodoro Technique involves working in focused bursts called "Pomodoros." The work sprint typically lasts 25 minutes, where you focus on accomplishing a single task. The work session is followed by a 5 minute break, so you can typically do two an hour.

We often fill the time windows we have available to get something done. If we have a week, it will take a week. If we have an hour, it will take an hour.

Why use Pomodoros?

  1. Productivity – when you know you are only working for 25 minutes, you’re able to get a lot more done. You also learn to accurately estimate how much you can do.

  2. Focus – by only having one goal for the whole period, you are able to truly zero in on the task.

  3. Reduced burnout – built-in breaks assure you are taking moments away from work.

  4. More fun – by limiting the available period you have to get something done, you gamify productivity and push to get more efficient.

How to do a Pomodoro

  1. Pick a task – define a clear goal you can accomplish in 25 minutes. If you are working on a larger project, break it down into a smaller task.

  2. Get a timer – we just added one to Reflect New Tab (covered below) but any timer will work.

  3. Start a 25 minute timer – only work on the task you laid out. Don’t get distracted by anything else.

  4. Take a 5 minute break – take a break for 5 minutes where you try to do something that doesn’t involve a screen.

Then start the process over! It helps to block off focus time on your calendar when you want to do Pomodoro work sprints.

Free Pomodoro timer in Reflect New Tab

We just added a Pomodoro timer to Reflect New Tab for Google Chrome. That means every time you open a new tab, you’ll have a Pomodoro timer ready to go!

It comes pre-built with the standard 25 and 5 minute timers, and plays a soft tone as soon as a session is complete. It also has the option for a longer 20 minute break.

You can download Reflect New Tab for Google Chrome here.

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