🧼📝 Keeping your daily notes clean

When you save everything to your daily notes they can get messy. Here are some tips for keeping them clean.

One of the benefits of having a dedicated note for each day, is that you have a place to dump everything you might want to save.

But when you are saving ideas, articles, meeting notes and more, things can get messy. This email will show you how to keep a clean and organized daily note.

A typical daily note at the end of a day

What should you put in your daily note?

  • Lists (todo lists, tasks, bullet lists, etc.)

  • Links and tweets

  • Backlinks

  • Audio memo transcriptions

  • Meeting notes

  • Ideas

  • Things to read, watch and listen to later

  • Anything else you want to save!

Tools to organize your daily notes

Nested bullet points

Collapse your lists using nested bullets so that you can easily see the high-level categories in your notes. You can put anything under a parent bullet, from lists to images and embedded files.

Toggling a nested bullet list

Use divider lines

Divide your notes into different sections for high-level categories. For example in the top section, you might want to put ongoing todo lists or a log of what happens in your day. And then you can put everything else that you want to save or remember bellow.

Dividing a daily note into sections

Use tags to mark things for later

Say you have a side project idea that you’ll want to remember and evaluate later. Or a book you want to read.

These are great use cases to add tags. That way you’ll later be able to pull up a list of books you want to read or side project ideas to evaluate.

Using tags in a daily note

Save a daily note template

If you find you use the same structure in your daily note each day, save that structure as a template. You’ll then be able to call on it each morning.

For example, you might want to have a todo list pre-populated with some habits in the morning, or set your daily log so you can take notes right away.

Saved template in Reflect.

You can watch a video walkthrough of how to organize your daily notes here on YouTube.

Looking for note-taking app that has clean daily notes?

➡️ Try Reflect for Free